Rainbow Cinemas Gallery


I’m moving in and taking over this downtown venue, Rainbow Cinema Gallery for the month of MAY with a large showing of artwork in a trendy environment.

In the heart of the St. Lawrence Market area this Cinema space has a great area for art display, where lots of people check out their favourite film and on the way in, see amazing art.

Arts On Queen

Group Shows 2015

I’m moving in and taking over this great local south east end Toronto venue, Arts on Queen in the BEACH for the month of MAY with a large showing of artwork.

With a whimsical flare Arts on Queen has created a platform for high caliber Canadian Artists to show their work for over twenty years. Their forever-changing space offers a variety of pieces from original paintings to ceramics.

The PAROW ART MONTH of eclectic art venues. 

Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition 2013

Scribbleography to Attend TOAE 2013

The 2013 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition at Nathan Philips Square was my introduction of a new format, a very long horizontal panoramic format. This new style was received with a unanimous and significantly enormous amount of positive feedback. There’s nothing like a group of unsolicited strangers to be honest critics! It was scary, and extremely rewarding to hear from you all, THANK YOU !

If I am accepted into 2014 I will be showing you both formats.

These NEW panoramic images will be posted on my site in the late fall of 2013

Dates: July 5, 6, and 7 2013